The diode is two terminal semiconductor devices that allow an electric current to pass in one direction while blocking it in the reverse direction. The diode is made up of a semiconductor device with P-type material and N-type material. Typical material used in a diode is silicon and germanium. They conduct when a minimum forward voltage (~ 0.7V for Silicon) is applied across it and remain off during reverse bias condition.
The diode symbol is represented as below and their physical packages.
types-of-diodes.jpgtypes-of-diodes.jpgTypes of diode
Applications of diode:
- Power conversion (AC to DC)/ rectification
- Clamping the voltage
- Zener diode as a voltage regulator
- Overvoltage protection
- ESD protection
- Demodulation of signals
Type of diodes:
- Rectifier diode
- Switching diode
- Light-emitting diode
- Zener diode
- Schottky diode
- ESD diode
- Tunnel diode
- Varicap diode
- Photodiode
- The laser diode in optical communication
Size of diode packages
Diodes are available in through-hole (DIP) and SMD versions.
E.g. DIP: DO214, SMA, TO- 220 with heatsink SMD 1206, 1210, SOD323, SOT23, TO-252, D2PAK,
Diode selection parameters
While selecting a diode in any circuit users need to take care of the following parameters apart from the application/usage.
- Forward bias voltage
- Maximum forward current
- Average forward current
- Power dissipation
- Reverse breakdown voltage/peak inverse voltage
- Max reverse current
- Operating junction temperature
- Reverse recovery time
- Size
Manufacturers: Rohm Semiconductor, Diodes Incorporated, On Semi, Vishay, etc.