esp32 5


ESP32; Bluetooth ve Wİ-Fİ özelliği olan, düşük maliyetli ve düşük güçlü bir mikrodenetleyici sistemdir. Hem çift çekirdekli hem de tek […]

7v5zener test 1

Elektronik Malzeme Testleri

Elektronik arıza bulma test cihazları iki başlık altında incelenebilir. ATE (Automatic Test Equipments-Otomatik Test Akuıpmınts) Sistemleri: Elektronik cihaz, modül veya

Electrical Engineering


The transistor is a non-linear semiconductor three-terminal device. The transistor is considered to be one of the most important devices

Electrical Engineering


The diode is two terminal semiconductor devices that allow an electric current to pass in one direction while blocking it

Electrical Engineering


The inductors (also called as a coil or choke) is a passive two-terminal electrical component that stores magnetic energy when

Electrical Engineering


The Capacitor is a passive electrical component, whose function is to store electrical energy and deliver it to the circuit

Electrical Engineering


The resistor is a passive electrical component whose function is to introduce resistance to the flow of electric current in

electronic components 01
Electrical Engineering

Electronic Components

Some of the most commonly used electronic components are resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, LEDs, transistors, crystals and oscillators, electromechanical components

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Sarf Malzeme

Sarf malzeme, işletmenin sadece bir kez kullandığı ve ana malzemelerin yanında kullanımı gerekli olan yan malzemelerdir.

Elektrik Motorları

Dc Motorlar

DC motor, ya da doğru akım motoru, DC (Doğru Akım) elektrik enerjisi kullanarak mekanik enerji üreten bir cihazdır. Elektrik motorları

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